Copyright. All Rights reserved by Andrea Boscardin | Rumore Nero
Born in Milan in 1976, Andrea Boscardin explores some essential questions trough an engaged vision on nature as an artist, photographer and creator of Rumore Nero.
Rumore Nero, founded in Milan in 2012, is a little independent publishing house, mainly focused on artistic photo-books handmade in limited editions.
Since 2015, Andrea shares his time between Paris, where he works for wellknowned French museums, installing temporary exhibitions, and his studio in Liguria (Riviera di Levante).
Today, thanks to his collaboration with those museums, Rumore Nero is a much complete project that involves besides to publishing, also : installation, exhibition, framing, creation, gilding and others savoir-faire, necessary to develop projects in a multi-angle ways.
The aim is always to valorize artworks or artistic projects mixing publishing and exhibitions.
Since 2017 Andrea is also member of the collective PhotoBookAsObject an international group of artists based in Tokyo.
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